Before these days of modest fashion, modest dressers found lots of obstacles to dressing modestly and fashionably. Today, there are so many great clothing lines that either choose to make modest clothing by design or create modest items in
their general collection that coincidentally flow with the fashion trends. These trends have helped the modest modern dresser, but there will always be certain issues the modern, modest woman will have to deal with.
Here are some of our most annoying or funny challenges that we find in dressing modestly. We would love to hear some of your daily hurdles in dressing modestly!
Number 4: Hacks like these and many more…
Number 3: When you need to get somewhere fast…
Number 2: When you find a top that is comfy and modest…you get 5, in every color!
Number 1: THE BEACH!!
And then there is this…because we couldn’t resist 🙂
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